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Member FDIC  FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

harford bank services

Resources / Services


Safe Deposit Box

A safe deposit box provides you with an opportunity to secure and protect your important documents and possessions. Harford Bank has a variety of box sizes from 2” x 5” to 10” x 10”. If you have a Premier or Premier Plus checking account, we will discount your annual cost as noted in the Community Checking Options chart. A 3” x 5” safe deposit box would be free with a Premier Plus account.

Direct Deposit

Direct Deposit offers you the ability to have your payroll, government, retirement or Social Security checks automatically deposited into your Harford Bank account. It’s a free service that provides you with many value added benefits:

  • Convenient – We realize that you’re busy. Direct Deposit allows yourMoneyPass ATM Network money to be automatically deposited into your Harford Bank account so that you don’t have stop by a branch and wait in line to make a deposit.
  • Quick – Your money is immediately available to you on the day of deposit.
  • Secure – You can have peace of mind. No need to worry about checks getting lost, delayed or stolen when you are out of town or can’t get to the bank.

Check Reorder

To reorder checks, call or visit any of our branch locations or send us a secure message through online banking.

MoneyPass ATM Network

The MoneyPass network offers tens of thousands of surcharge-free ATMs coast to coast located where you live, work and travel. Click here to find a MoneyPass ATM near you.

Wire Transfers

Domestic and International Wire Transfers services are provided at any branch location.

When the need arises to transfer funds to a company or an individual who has an account at another financial institution, you can send funds electronically. Domestic transfers can be accomplished in the same business day. You can send funds across the street, across the country or around the world. There is a wire transfer fee for domestic wire transfers and a higher fee for international wire transfers.

Visa Gift Cards

Now available online! Click here for more.

Please visit or call a local branch office for more information.

Financial Planning and Wealth Management Services

Harford Bank is pleased to offer financial planning and wealth management services through our trusted partner, The Kelly Group. The Kelly Group will provide Harford Bank customers the same level of personalized, dedicated service that you are accustomed to through the Bank. 

Harford Bank is a member of FDIC. The Kelly Group is the trade name of Kelly Financial Group, LLC. Kelly Financial Group, LLC is a registered investment adviser with the Securities & Exchange Commission (“SEC”). Registration of an Investment Adviser does not constitute an endorsement of the firm by the SEC, nor does it imply any level of skill or training.

Harford Bank and The Kelly Group are not affiliated in any way. Financial planning services, referenced by Harford Bank through The Kelly Group, are subject to a referral agreement. Harford Bank is compensated for referrals to The Kelly Group. Due to such compensation, there is a material conflict of interest and incentive for Harford Bank to recommend The Kelly Group.  For further information about The Kelly Group and its services, please read its Relationship Summary (“Form CRS”) and Brochure (“ADV”), which are available at www.kellyria.com or on the SEC’s website at www.adviserinfo.sec.gov, or upon request to [email protected] or 800.999.8609.

Investments recommended by The Kelly Group are not deposits or any type of obligation of the Harford Bank, are not guaranteed by Harford Bank, are not insured by the FDIC, and involve investment risk including the possible loss of principal.

For more information, visit The Kelly Group.
